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Website SEO

Miller Media carves out a niche in the Industrial Internet Sector

The Troy-based company Miller Media got its start 30 some years ago as a print company.  About 15 years ago it started to make the transition to the digital sphere and has evolved into a firm that helps industrial businesses with search-engine marketing (PPC or Pay-Per-Click), Search Engine Optimization and how to utilize Google to …

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SEO: How to get the Search Engines to “Like” You

Our advice is to focus on creating user friendly, high content quality sites that create a good user experience and employ white hat SEO methods instead of engaging in web spam tactics. These tactics include: 1. Developing 15 to 20 realistic target phrases with meaningful keyword research. 2. Focus on user experience down to the …

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YouTube SEO Tips That No One Talks About

We often forget that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. Being a site that hosts videos, we tend to miss the fact that a lot of people also use YouTube as a search engine to find what they want and need. These are the people who like to consume content in …

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3 Ways Customer Website Optimization is a lot like Fishing

How can you optimize your website content for an audience if you don’t know who they are or what they want? This customer-centric approach to marketing is one that we have been advocating for years!  Here are 3 Ways Customer Website Optimization is a lot Like Fishing.

How to Go from Zero to SEO

Turning website “internet marketing” or “SEO” into line items on your budget is no small feat when you aren’t used to spending that kind of money.  If you’re a business owner that relies heavily on referral and word-of-mouth marketing but is looking to take their business to the next level with SEO, here are few …

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New Google Search Update| Why you should update your B2B Industrial Website

If you don’t update your industrial business website very often, you may want to rethink your online content strategy. A little more than eight months after unveiling “Panda,” an update to Google’s website search algorithm that puts a higher priority on high-quality content, the search giant has announced a new update that aims to provide …

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Why Photo Optimization Is Important For SEO

Believe it or not, search engine optimizing your images is almost as important as optimizing your website. A sizable percentage of search engine users are just as likely to do a Google image search as they are to search for keywords. If you’re not properly optimizing your images for Google’s search engine, you’re missing out …

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