Social Media Archives - Miller Media, Digital Marketing Agency, PPC, Industrial Web Design, WordPress Mon, 13 Mar 2023 05:39:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Social Media Archives - Miller Media, Digital Marketing Agency, PPC, Industrial Web Design, WordPress 32 32 Quick Growth Strategy for Instagram Thu, 26 Jan 2023 09:15:38 +0000 If one of your goals for your business this year is to grow your Instagram account, here are 3 strategies you can incorporate into your digital marketing plans to help accomplish this goal:  1. Keep a Consistent Post Schedule  Viewers like to hang around a certain platform at a certain time. Ideally it would be …

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If one of your goals for your business this year is to grow your Instagram account, here are 3 strategies you can incorporate into your digital marketing plans to help accomplish this goal: 

1. Keep a Consistent Post Schedule 

Viewers like to hang around a certain platform at a certain time. Ideally it would be great to post the exact moment your audience in on the Instagram app. Research the most likely times your target audience is on the platform. These are more likely to be ranges, rather than exact times. Publish posts 2-3 times daily based on those time ranges. For example, you are a selling backpack for students at the age of 10-12. You target audience is their parent. Good times to post would be 10 am – 12 pm for stay-at-home parents and 5 pm – 7 pm for parents off work. Post somewhere during these two post ranges to capture the attention of these potential customers. You can either use automatic posting software or you can hire a digital marketing agency to help keep up with schedules if you are struggling to post consistently. 

2. Create a Variety of Graphicly Appealing Posts 

Images, carousals, and short-form videos are all different types of post you can create for Instagram to keep your feed interesting. Create posts that entertain, educate, motivates, and sells your product or service. Make sure the design of your post follows these design principles:

  • Contrast 
  • Balance 
  • Emphasis 
  • Proportion 
  • Hierarchy 
  • Repetition 
  • Rhythm 
  • Pattern 
  • Space 
  • Movement 
  • Variety & Unity 

Canva is a great resource for templated designs but beware by using templates you risk not standing out from competitors. You may need professional designers from a digital marketing agency or a social media marketing agency to help create uniquely branded content. 

3. Foster a Community-Based Relationship

To build a community around your business you need to be tagging influencers or complementary business, commenting on other Instagram accounts, replying to your followers, keeping track of your analytics, and incorporating the correct hashtags in your posts. This means setting aside time for research on various Instagram feeds for what are the most popular hashtags, post types with the most engagement, and more. If you are an entrepreneur or a small business, you may be able to set a side 1 full day dedicated to this. However, if you are a growing company or a large enterprise you need a full team managing your social media accounts. You can either build an internal team or look for a digital marketing agency that offers social media management services. 

Need help managing you Instagram account? Call 248.528.3600

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5 Common Instagram Marketing Mistakes to Avoid Fri, 09 Dec 2022 14:50:25 +0000 According to Statista, Instagram has over 2 billion active users. This platform is perfect for companies to use to build a following and engage with existing and potential clients. Unfortunately, many companies make mistakes that cause them to leave the platform, thus missing out on building brand loyalty and increasing revenue. Here are the 5 …

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According to Statista, Instagram has over 2 billion active users. This platform is perfect for companies to use to build a following and engage with existing and potential clients. Unfortunately, many companies make mistakes that cause them to leave the platform, thus missing out on building brand loyalty and increasing revenue. Here are the 5 common mistakes they make that your company can avoid and eventually thrive with Instagram:   

1. Your Profile is Private and Not a Business Account

The default Instagram account is a personal account, but with a personal account there is far less people able to see your products and services. If your account is private no one other than people who follow you are seeing your posts. Most people think there is nothing to see, or it is a spam account when a business account is private. Avoid creating distrust by going into your privacy settings and turning off “private account”. Then go to the account settings and the option to switch to business account should appear. Select a category that best describes your business then fill out your business info. Now you have tools and insights that help you analyze your posts, IGTV, Instagram Stories, Reels, Videos, and Carousals.  

2. Monotonous and Repetitive Content 

Only posting the same type of content is boring. It also causes you to lose user retention and loose client interest in your brand. You want a healthy mix of photos, videos, stories, and carousals on a variety of topics related to your industry. Here are a few types of posts you can fill your account with to keep it looking interesting:

  • How-to-use video
  • Client testimonial
  • Event post
  • Benefit of your product/service post
  • New product/service post
  • Industry tips carousal 

3. Lack of Post Regularity  

Ideally it would be great to post daily, but this can lead to burnout. Not posting consistently leads to decrease visibility and a decrease in lead generation. Have a post schedule. You want to post on days and times your audience is most active. For example, you are selling backpacks to teens. The estimated best time to post would be between 11am-1pm and 3pm -4pm when they are lunch and after school are when they are most likely to have their full attention on the platform. If you are struggling to create post designs and post it on pre-scheduled time, you may consider hiring a digital marketing firm that provides social media marketing services, even if it is just 1 post a month to lighten the load. 

4. You Avoid Collaboration      

Some businesses avoid collaboration because they think it takes away attention from people solely focusing on them, but they are wrong. Instagram influencer marketing leads to expanding your audience and lead generation, thus increasing your sales. Businesses also make the mistake that influencers are just high-end celebrities. Small town Instagram influencers are just as affective, if not more due to their ability to keep a close relationship with their audience. Some examples on type of small-town influencers are:

  • A local teacher
  • Small mom-and-pop shops
  • Food trucks 
  • A local state official 
  • A travel blogger
  • Hair/Makeup artist 
  • Entrepreneurs 
  • Podcasters 

5. Skipping Calls-to-Action and Using the Wrong Hashtags 

If you want users to buy now, then include “buy now” in the graphic or text. If you want them to call include your phone #. It is not enough to have pretty images. You must tell your audience on how to reach your business. Most Instagram users are scanning images, so you want to make your call-to-action stands out, especially if other companies are selling something similar. Also include the correct hashtags. Do keyword research and think about what your audience would search for to find a product or service like yours.  

We can help improve your business’s Instagram account. Call 248.528.3600.

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Social Media Ideas for Your Business to Grow Fri, 25 Nov 2022 13:22:49 +0000 Suffering post-Thanksgiving brain fog? Here are social media content ideas to help your business continue to grow: 1. Post a customer review 2. Live Q &A with prepared questions 3. Live event or party your business hosts or is attending  4. Share good news from different local businesses  5. Share a post from a local …

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Suffering post-Thanksgiving brain fog? Here are social media content ideas to help your business continue to grow:

1. Post a customer review

2. Live Q &A with prepared questions

3. Live event or party your business hosts or is attending 

4. Share good news from different local businesses 

5. Share a post from a local charity or non-profit looking for help

6. Answer questions or comments from potential or existing customers

7. Host a customer meet-and-greet and post highlights

8. Post “Did you Know?” or a historical anniversary relevant to your market or community

9. Post seasonal picture of your business 

10. Post customer stories (with consent)

11. Post about a business challenge you overcame 

12. When a local school team or organization is having success, post about their success

13. Turn FAQ into an advice post

14.  Post good news for the business or industry 

15. Celebrate a new hire

Need more help with social media marketing? Call 248.528.3600.

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Choose the Best Facebook Ads to Accomplish Your Business Goals Fri, 11 Nov 2022 14:03:45 +0000 Many businesses use Facebook for social advertising. Using it as an effective marketing avenue requires you to know what the objective or goal of your campaign is. The objective you are selecting will help Facebook set up its own marketing strategy to help optimize your ad and display it to your target audience. Depending on …

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Many businesses use Facebook for social advertising. Using it as an effective marketing avenue requires you to know what the objective or goal of your campaign is. The objective you are selecting will help Facebook set up its own marketing strategy to help optimize your ad and display it to your target audience. Depending on the information you give, the Facebook algorithm will show your ads to your target audience based on the most likely to act. For example, if your business goal is to gain traffic to your company’s website, Facebook will prioritize showing your ads to users who frequently click links. Here are other objectives that you can choose for your Ads:

👁Brand Awareness Objectives

Facebook will show your ad to the largest possible number of users who are most likely to be interested in the ad content. You will want to keep on the post impression data. Facebook’s Ads Manager will display “estimated ad recall lift” data. This is an estimated figure of the number of users who would most probably recall your ad 2 days after seeing it. This ad campaign objective category is primarily used by larger brands who invest in social media with bigger budgets and who also can measure these results with a brand-lift study. 

📈Conversion Objectives 

Catalog Sales, Conversions, and Store Traffic full under conversion objectives. They have the goal of encouraging users who are interested in your brand to buy your products or use your services. These objectives are optimized for high-intent actions, like purchase. Conversion objectives tend to be a bit more costly regarding impressions and link clicks than other ad types. However, in some cases, the cost per conversion may end up being lower in the long haul when you use these objective types strategically. Your ads will be shown to potential clients who are already primed to buy from you. This objective requires your business page to have the following: 

·       Facebook pixel

·       Conversions API

·       Domain verification

·       Events Manager event configuration

👠Catalog Sales Objectives

These types of objectives are used mostly by ecommerce businesses. The Catalog Sales objective enables you to create a catalog on Facebook and showcase the products to those most likely to buy your products. These ads are also called dynamic product ads. They show a variety of products to target audiences in the ads. They also retarget people with specific products based on their activity on your website. For example, when your client is looking at a pair of shoes on your website and even added it to your cart but forgot to check out. After that, they probably see the ad with that exact pair or shoes. The goal is to get them to return and ultimately complete the purchase. 

🛒Store Traffic Objectives

If you are a brick-and-mortar store or own several and you are looking for ways to increase your foot or in-store traffic, using the Store Traffic objective can help you achieve your goals. You will need to add your store locations to the platform and their working hours. After that, Facebook ‘s algorithm will start showing ads to the closest location to your users based on a particular radius. You can set it up for your ad to do this automatically or manually. This is a great way to boost local SEO with search engines like Google. 

👍Traffic Objectives

If your primary objective is to drive more people to your website, then the Traffic campaign objective is the best. This type of ad optimizes for landing page views, and link clicks. Facebook shows your ads to users who are in the target audience you choose and are most likely interact with links. When your select the Landing Page Views option, the platform will show the ad to those who will click and wait for the website to load to view it (make sure your load speed is fast!). To set up the Traffic objective, select the destination URL at the ad level, and target your business’s website. Users will be able to become more familiar with your brand, blog, products, services, and more. This ad helps build brand loyalty as well, which is important for returning customers. 

🎥Video Views Objectives

With video becoming increasingly popular, with this as Facebook will optimize ads to show videos to people who are most likely to watch them. Increasing video views is a great way to build awareness and trust with new audiences. Video campaigns are also great to establish retargeting audiences based on how long they were watching the videos. This will help take them closer to a sales conversion. Your video needs to be engaging. The goal is to capture the audience’s attention and deliver value within the first few seconds. Also, adding captions for the audience is better for accessibility which many platforms and search engine are making a priority. 

✉Messages Objectives

Start conversations with people via Instagram Direct or Messenger. As with other objectives already mentioned above, Facebook will prioritize those users who are most likely to interact with a given brand via messages. This can be a great way to boost overall engagement with a target audience. However, business owners will probably need a social media manager to monitor the pages’ inboxes and respond to the messages as soon as possible. Users want fast responses, and these criteria must be met if they are to continue spend their money with your business. This may mean you have to hire some internally or a digital marketing firm that offers social media marketing. Businesses should also give their potential customers a clear reason to make contact. Unfortunately, these ad types are associated with spam, so making sure that they know that after they click the ad, it will open either the Messenger app or Instagram Direct only, or your business’s website or app. 

👆Engagement Objectives

The goal is to boost engagement. This campaign will target those users who are most likely to engage with the ads, and there are a few engagement types to choose from before launching a campaign:

Page Likes: Will generate more likes on a Facebook page. Will be shown to those who are the most likely to click the “Like” button on a page.

Post Engagement: Includes commenting, sharing, reacting, and video views to clicks. Helps with building “social proof” on ads and posts and gives more credibility to a brand online. However, the ad needs to encourage engagement from users. There must be a reason to interact. The post must be engaging by default. If that’s not happening, chances are, people won’t really engage with it. Include a call-to-action embedded in the ad to drive interaction. 

Event Responses: Get more responses to events. The only problem is that this is a rather low-intent action, meaning that the 150 people who clicked “going,” won’t necessarily mean that they will show up at the event. When ticket sales are the main concern, it might be better to use the Conversions objective and drive traffic to the landing page where they can buy tickets. Use this more as a “would potential clients be interested in this type of event?” ad rather than a direct sales ad. 

📱App Installs Objectives

If your business has an app and you want people to download it, the App Installs campaign is the way to go. The ads will be shown to people with the likelihood of clicking on “download,” taking them directly to the designated app store to get it. You will need to register your app with the social platform beforehand and implement SDK, allowing them to track the app event data from the Ads Manager panel. To simplify the entire campaign process, the automated app ads feature can be used, and it will create an ad for you target audience to use for you. 

☎Lead Generation Objectives

This objective allows for the addition of different contact forms to an ad with customization of the questions if additional information is needed from prospects. When potential clients click on a lead generation ad, the user will be asked to provide information, like email address, name, etc. To make their lives easier, the users can simply add the necessary data from Facebook itself. When they submit the questionnaire, brands can collect the gathered data from the page or get it sent to the CRM automatically via different pieces of software, like Facebook partner integration. Make sure your questions are ethical and that you read up on privacy laws in you state or country. 

Create an effective Facebook ad with us. Call 248.528.3600

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5 Items to Consider Before Using Paid Social Ads Wed, 02 Nov 2022 13:36:14 +0000 Using social ads is a great way to market your business. Before you go straight to paid social ads consider what makes an ad impactful and how can it be optimized to perform the best on the social platforms you are on. Here 5 questions to ask before you commit your business to using paid …

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Using social ads is a great way to market your business. Before you go straight to paid social ads consider what makes an ad impactful and how can it be optimized to perform the best on the social platforms you are on. Here 5 questions to ask before you commit your business to using paid social ads:

1. Do you stick to the recommended character limit when writing your ad copy? 

Character counts can be frustrating when you have a complex message to get across, but it is important that you stick to the limit. Narrow down what you want to say, so it reads clearly and precisely. If you are really struggling with narrowing down essential details, cut it off at an interesting point. Then add a call-to-action and link to your company’s blog or landing page. Sticking to the character limit makes it easier for the social platforms’ algorithm to recognize you and prioritize your business as a subject matter authority. 

2. Does this ad work for mobile users? 

Most social media users are on their phone when interacting with a platform. Make sure your ad is optimized for mobile. This means company logo, text, and images all must be recognizable at a small size. Different platforms have different sizes for video and picture layouts. You may want to have a few landscape and portrait versions of the ad so nothing important is cut off. 

3. Are the image and copy aligned with the goal of the ad?

Make sure your photos or illustrations match what your body copy is about. For example, if you are a dress boutique and your goal is to attract more people to your website. Have a photo of one of your dresses. Then add text. Your text might be something like this:

“This dress and other beautiful dresses like it are now available on our amazing online shop!”

Another example for a service-based company is say that you are a law firm, and your goal is to gain more bookings. You may use flat icon illustrations of the type industries that need your services. Then add text like this:

“We provide the best lawyers to help your business. Book now for your first free 30-minute consulting secession.”

4. Does your ad have a CTA wording on a button or link?

CTA stands for call to action. Social media platforms such Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn have built in call-to-action features that allow you to add to your post. You still need to design an ad that contains CTA for platforms that do not have built in features. Some basic CTA samples that you can as links or buttons are:

  • Learn More
  • Buy Now
  • Purchase Here
  • Book Now
  • Order Online Today
  • Sign Up Today
  • Call Now
  • Get Started 
  • Contact Us
  • Let’s Chat 

5. Is your ad directed towards the correct audience? 

Even if your imagery and body copy are well-designed and written, this means nothing if the correct audience doesn’t see it. Make sure SEO best practices are included. This means important keywords are included in your body copy and hashtags. Setting features on a lot of platforms have features such as alt tags, meta description, and location tags. Make sure that these are all tailored based on your target audience. You want to make sure your ad has maximum reach. 

Struggling creating an effective social ad? Let us do it for you. Call 248.528.3600.

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The 7 P’s of E-Commerce Marketing Fri, 28 Oct 2022 13:55:23 +0000 There are different areas of marketing to focus on depending on what type of business you are. For ecommerce businesses, marketing is focused on promoting products for sale based on customer behavior. Coming up with a strategy can be overwhelming. To help, here are the 7 areas that start with “P” to help you come …

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There are different areas of marketing to focus on depending on what type of business you are. For ecommerce businesses, marketing is focused on promoting products for sale based on customer behavior. Coming up with a strategy can be overwhelming. To help, here are the 7 areas that start with “P” to help you come up with an effective strategy:

1. Product Purpose

What purpose does your product serve? Is it a luxury good or does it help solve a problem your target market has? Make a list of reasons why someone would purchase your item and how they would use it in their daily lives. This will help you or your marketing team create content around the reasons why a customer would purchase your product and how to use it. Marketing avenues that pair well with this discovery are:

  • Company Blogs
  • Video Ad Campaigns
  • Influencer Marketing 
  • Paid Advertising 
  • Guest Articles/Reviews

2. Price

Keep an eye on the economic market. Research similar companies to see what they are charging. Create an in-depth customer profile how much they make and are willing to spend on similar items. Calculate how much profit you must make before discounting your products. A popular technique a lot of ecommerce businesses use is to reward first time buyers with discount codes for their website through email marketing. 

3. Placement 

In what areas of the internet do you plan for your product to be seen? The destination should be your website that acts as a digital storefront, but where are other places your customers socialize on? Utilize Google Ads for SEO and social media marketing to maintain communication between new and returning customers. Now, social media can get chaotic and may require a digital agency to help you control comments, post creation, and profile updates. If you’re a small business, stick to one platform to start out with. Make sure it is the platform your target spends the most time on. 

4. Promotion

Brag about all the great qualities of your product. Highlight any unique features. Also compare how a customer would prefer your brand’s product over a competitor. If an existing customer leaves a glowing review spotlight it on your company’s website, social media, and paid ads. A few underrated ways to promote your product are: 

  • Online Events
  • Social Media Group Pages
  • Chat Groups 
  • Livestreams
  • Podcasts 

5. People

People trust people more than bots or faceless products. You don’t have to have a person on every piece of content but sprinkling in a person’s face will help put customers feel at ease. This can come in many forms:

  • About The Founder Page on Your Company Website
  • Meet Our Team Page on Your Company Website
  • Photos of Clients Using the Product
  • Stock Photos of Models with the Product 
  • Company Photos at a Tradeshow or Event 
  • Videos of an Expert or Influencer Promoting a Product

6. Process

How is your product made? Where do you get your materials? Many people love to see behind the scenes of how the product they are about to purchase is made. Have photos or videos taken of the manufacturing process. There is a rise in demand of items to be made ethically. This provides proof that your company is true to their word, especially if your company claims to be eco-friendly or ethically sourced. 

7. Physical Evidence of Improvement

It is impossible to create a product that is perfect. There will be clients that leave negative reviews. Resist the urge to delete or hide these reviews. Have a ticket system or a way to contact the company for further feedback and refunds. If it is a problem with the product itself, take a “before” photo along with the negative reviews. When you fix the problem, take an “after” photo and post them on your website and social media. This will make clients feel heard and valued. 

Create a dynamic digital marketing strategy for your Ecommerce business. Call 248.528.3600.

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Grow Your Business on LinkedIn with These 7 Strategies Wed, 12 Oct 2022 08:54:20 +0000 If you are B2B brand a great place to expand reach and generate quality leads is LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a business focused platform that can help cultivate business relationships and keep up with industry news as well as share current expertise. Research by the Content Marketing Institute indicated that 93% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for …

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If you are B2B brand a great place to expand reach and generate quality leads is LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a business focused platform that can help cultivate business relationships and keep up with industry news as well as share current expertise. Research by the Content Marketing Institute indicated that 93% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for lead generation over other major social media platforms to generate qualified leads. 77% of these same marketers also ranked LinkedIn as the best channel for B2B LinkedIn lead generation. Here are 7 tips to help you utilize LinkedIn for lead generation and potentially gain new clients for your business:

1. Optimize Your Business Profile 

Your profile page should also act as a landing page. People and companies don’t usually except connection request without checking out your business profile to make sure you are legit. Make sure you have 60px X 60px logo file that is easily recognizable at a small size. Your cover image should be well designed and demonstrates your company’s brand. If you can fit services and contact info even better! The headline section should have your company name, industry, and a small summary of the services you provide. Your “About” section should demonstrate your expertise and include any accomplishments or awards you have. Remember to keep the summary brief and to the point. Here is checklist to help: 

✅ A brief overview of your business

✅ Awards and accomplishments

✅ Description of your business’s products and/or services

✅ Data and numbers to prove your expertise

✅ Use relevant keywords to improve search discoverability

✅ Add a call to action

2. Post Relevant Content

It is important to be active on the platform and post regularly. If you a limited-on time only post on certain days or hire a digital marketing firm that has social media management as one of their services. Content should be relevant to your target audience and useful to solve their problems or challenges. A quick content marketing research strategy: 

  • Define your ideal reader/customer 
  • Set your objectives based on their problems 
  • Identify the important metrics to track success 
  • Define your brand’s editorial layout 
  • Create the type of content that appeals to your target users or solves a problem they have
  • Measure results with social media analytics tools

3. Prioritize Articles 

Articles are very popular and favored on LinkedIn. Try to treat content like a mini blog. Some article tips to help you get started:

  • Create a catchy headline and write in a clear, concise style
  • Use images, infographics, and videos to break up your text and add visual interest
  • Make sure your articles are well-researched and sources are easy to find 
  • Use keyword-rich tags to help your articles get discovered
  • Update content on a regular basis

4. Interact on the Platform to Boost Visibility

Treat LinkedIn as a networking event. Set aside at least 15 minutes to leave a comment or reaction to show support for the clients you’re aiming for. Try to avoid spamming them with a sales pitch. Remember you want to build a healthy relationship with the potential client or business you want to partner with. On your own page, you can host webinars, polls, events, and other interactive media that encourage others to leave a comment. 

5. Drive Users to Your Lead Material and Landing Pages

You can add links to your LinkedIn posts to promote your website, blog posts, webinars, and other lead materials. The platform does not a limit on how many people it can reach unlike other social media platforms. Add relevant hashtags and hashtags targeted at the audience you want to attract. Have a call-to-action and contact info include in graphic or post. Make sure your posts, updates, ads, and promotions are educational and provide some value to your readers. Most regular ads are ignored or missed. Videos are also gaining popularity so consider adding motion to graphic or converting a blog post into an informational video.

6. Participate in Groups

LinkedIn also allows professionals to join groups for conversations around specific topics. If you are on Facebook, it is like a Facebook groups. Look for groups within your niche or industry. You can trade knowledge and skills with each other. Make sure to review the rules and regulations before joining a group. Sensitive topics, like mental health, medical information, and political topics can get you kicked out fast. If you must talk about these topics because you are in field related to the topics, keep it practical and triple check your sources. Avoid aggressive self-promotion or sales pitches. Respect others and avoid de-humanizing languages (slurs & cussing). Appreciate notable contributions from other members in the group. Everyone is there to benefit from each other. 

7. Leverage Ads on LinkedIn

Paid ads can drive traffic to website and increase sales. Use this technique strategically, especially if you are a small business on a budget. LinkedIn has a variety of products that put your content in front of your target market. You can target users based on job title, industry, and company size. A native ad that appears in the LinkedIn feed. LinkedIn outreach messages that are delivered straight to the target users’ LinkedIn inboxes. Make sure you have specific content related to your product or services. Check spelling and grammar. Due to scams people are a little cautious when it comes to messages they don’t know. 

Need help coming up with a winning LinkedIn Strategy? Call 248.528.360

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Attention, Vehicle & Real Estate Industry! Important Facebook Marketplace Alert! Tue, 04 Oct 2022 08:22:09 +0000 Facebook is emailing businesses to inform then that Meta is no longer supporting the ability for sellers to create vehicle & real estate / rentals listings using a Facebook business Page. It Reads: Starting on January 30, 2023, Meta will no longer support the ability for sellers to create vehicle & real estate / rentals …

Attention, Vehicle & Real Estate Industry! Important Facebook Marketplace Alert! Read More »

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Facebook is emailing businesses to inform then that Meta is no longer supporting the ability for sellers to create vehicle & real estate / rentals listings using a Facebook business Page.

It Reads:
Starting on January 30, 2023, Meta will no longer support the ability for sellers to create vehicle & real estate / rentals listings using a Facebook business Page, along with the Vehicles Tab and Manage Inventory tab in markets where this feature is currently available. The free person-to-person listings for vehicle & real estate / rentals listings will still be available on Marketplace. Your ability to reach audiences via ads is also not changing. We are simply changing how inventory may be displayed in the future.
It Reads:
What will happen after the changes are made?
Come January 30th, 2023, you still have ways to drive success on Facebook. After this change, people on Marketplace can continue to create vehicle & real estate / rentals listings from their personal profile. 
For auto businesses, we continue to invest in innovative solutions to deliver on the automotive sector’s needs in the future. You can learn more about strategies and solutions for dealers on Facebook/Meta in our new Dealer Marketing Hub
For real estate businesses, people on Marketplace can continue to create real estate / rental listings from their personal profile. See the link for additional information about Facebook for Real Estate businesses.
What can I do about my data?
After January 30, 2023, all existing listings that businesses have posted with their Facebook business Pages will be deleted. We recommend that you take a look at your existing listings and download them prior to January 30, 2023 if you would like. Instructions on how to download your information can be found here.

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5 Ways Brands Can Make Money on Instagram Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:17:49 +0000 You don’t need to be a massive influencer to make money from Instagram. Many Instagram business users make money with Instagram as an extra avenue in addition with their website and in-store experiences. Building an audience takes drive, time, and commitment. Use the existing marketing material you have to help build your profile. Once you …

5 Ways Brands Can Make Money on Instagram  Read More »

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You don’t need to be a massive influencer to make money from Instagram. Many Instagram business users make money with Instagram as an extra avenue in addition with their website and in-store experiences. Building an audience takes drive, time, and commitment. Use the existing marketing material you have to help build your profile. Once you have built a good size following, check out the 5 additional ways to make money on Instagram: 

1. Team Up with Another Brand

Your competition isn’t always your enemy. Sometimes they are the complementary brand or company you could partner up with. If you have a committed base of followers that regularly engage with your posts, a company may reach out to you to include one of their products or services post. The reverse is also true. If the company has an engaged audience reach out to them to see if they would be interested guest posting. Make sure the content benefits both parties. This can come in form of sharing industry news, swapping similar products, creating a fun game with each product or service, and more fun ideas. 

2. Instagram Live Badges

Audiences can use badges to show their support for creators during a live stream. Think of them like a tip jar for creators. Enable badges within your creator Instagram account, and the option will be presented to viewers within the comments section of a live stream. Remember to remind views occasionally to draw attention if they want to give their support. If they donate show videos of how their donation improved the product or service. This will make your audience feel like they are part of the creation process and indicate that your business listens, cares, and learns from their audience. 

3. Enable Subscriptions

While still in the trial phase, the ability for creators to allow subscribers access to unique content is available. Unlock a ‘subscribe’ button on your profile that lets you create custom, access-only content for Stories and Lives behind a paywall. This is a great way to engage more deeply with your audience. Content could be a sneak peak of a new product, a backstage look of what it takes to prepare for a product or service, or in-depth detail about your brands story that may interest your audience. 

4. Affiliate Marketing 

Instagram Affiliate brings a more direct recommendation service to Instagram. Are there any tools or services you want to recommend to your audience? Potential clients go to creators they admire for recommendations on products and brands to support. Once enabled, you can simply share a link to a product or service you want them to view. If your audience purchases something through the link, you gain a commission. Make sure whatever you recommend does not conflict with your product or service and does not conflict with why you audience follows you. For example, your business sells home-made soaps. A good affiliate product would be a soap dish by a different company. It is natural for someone shopping for soap to need something to place it in and would not be put off by that product being sold to them as well. Use Instagram Stories to showcase products and click through to other sites. 

5. Merchandising

If you are business that sells products you are already doing this, but if you sell services, it might interest you to sell products. If you have a group of committed followers with an authentic brand that they absolutely love, consider setting up your own shop. Branded merchandise like mugs, t-shirts, and books requires a bit of an initial investment, but the rewards can be significant. It can act as a bonus for your customer, and you may gain free marketing if they share it organically. Look at Starbucks for example. They sell coffee, but they also sell mugs and tumblers, and more. Make sure to choose what feels right for your brand and audience. If it feels like monetization for the sake of it, you may end up losing followers, so make sure it something they would enjoy having. 

Create an Instagram marketing plan today! Call 248.528.360

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How to Make Your Content Effective in the “Big Content” Era Thu, 15 Sep 2022 13:09:53 +0000 The internet world is overflowing with content. It can be overwhelming creating content that flags down your target audience. Businesses of all sizes need to combine brilliant copywriters and designers to communicate effectively. Here are several ways to help you organize your content that effectively communicates important information with your stakeholders, employees, customers, prosects, shareholders, …

How to Make Your Content Effective in the “Big Content” Era Read More »

The post How to Make Your Content Effective in the “Big Content” Era appeared first on Miller Media, Digital Marketing Agency, PPC, Industrial Web Design, WordPress.

The internet world is overflowing with content. It can be overwhelming creating content that flags down your target audience. Businesses of all sizes need to combine brilliant copywriters and designers to communicate effectively. Here are several ways to help you organize your content that effectively communicates important information with your stakeholders, employees, customers, prosects, shareholders, partners, and venders: 

🔎 View Content Through a Broader Lens

Creative art is an indispensable success factor, which is why more than 70% of businesses invest in professional design to help their brands stand out against their competition. Digital marketing agencies have teams of graphic artists who are experts in visual communications who put images, typography, and graphics together to create compelling designs for digital projects of all kinds. Consider working with seasoned designers in producing content assets you need to raise brand awareness and generate interest in your business. 

In B2B marketing, the rise of content marketing has put more focus on the creation of white papers, e-books, how-to guides, and infographics because these items are key to attracting and keeping audience retention. Content strategies to create and deliver online experiences for deeper, more meaningful interactions with their various audiences has grown as well. There is more of an emphasis on optimized content for web and mobile engagement. These avenues provide opportunities to drive creative material and lead generation for your business 10x over. 

Important internal business content comes in many forms, including PowerPoint Presentations or Keynote, Word, and Excel files plus structured documents like investment prospectuses, technical manuals, and pharmaceutical labels. Government agencies are also digitizing their forms, legislative documents, codes, and standards documents. Even bots, powered by AI and ML, need to reflect brand standards, therefore creating a design that expands through all these items are critical. These documents require layouts and branding, so hiring a professional design agency to create these less glamorous but important forms will make the content more impactful and easier for employees to keep their attention.

🔑 Become a Key Business Partner

Work directly with subject-matter experts across your company and the marketing agency. This includes product managers, designers, and developers, even the CEO (especially if they are the final decision maker). Produce the content that is required using important information gathered from each team, whether that’s a product video, or layout design for the website, etc. Explain how your product/service addresses a market need or have subject-matter expert do it for you. Use their words to build the narrative that will help build a brand story. Then use a designer to think about which visual elements will have the most impact. Together, your words and images work together to tell a compelling story that educates, entertains, or influences the target audience who will experience it in the various ways established.

Digital devices have given consumers more power and control over how and when they shop, search for information, read the news, or watch their favorite shows. They have their own path that allows businesses to reach more people like them regardless of geography, which can translate into more influence and potential growth for your business. Expectations are high, even B2B companies and their stakeholders appreciate not only accurate and consistent information but also attractive colors, interesting images, and interactive elements. B2C and B2B design are becoming similar in experience, which means old boring black and white formats don’t cut it. 

You don’t have to recreate every new design for every channel. Automated omnichannel publishing makes it possible to accomplish these tasks quickly. Create a single piece of content and publish it to all channels simultaneously, without compromising format integrity. This makes marketing more productive, and your client gets your message into their hands or onto their screens faster. Understand technology trends and stay current on how to incorporate them into your work process. Quicken productivity through tech will enable you to pursue more opportunities and deliver greater value to clients. Technology should be part of your exploratory process for your clients too. This will also build stronger partner in-house or external client relationships if you can do the work quickly with less friction in the creation process. You will be their vendors to support them with the right skills and proper scope.

📈 Understand Content Complexity & Compliance

Volume, variety, and velocity. Huge amounts of content in various formats need to be produced quickly to meet client demands. That might look like giving employees in the customer support department the standard operating procedures in the form of an interactive pdf they need to enroll customers in a new service. This could also mean updating your website so customers can see the menus from their favorite restaurants online, order, and have them delivered to their homes.

Hundreds of data sources might be required to power a website, especially if it has an e-commerce platform. Data can come from copy, charts, forms, videos, shopping carts, etc. Many people are involved in supplying the data as well as reviewing and approving the front-end copy and creative before it can be published. Website designers will have to interact with people from marketing to IT, product management, finance, and legal as well as operations, distribution, and customer support. Make sure the final design translates across the numerous web browsers and that it scales up and down correctly on tablets and mobile phones.

Logo and color scheme, selected fonts, and established a tone of voice are important elements in brand building. A brand guide enables marketing and all departments to create a consistent image, and, in so doing, increase brand awareness and equity. Brand compliance is part of business compliance is important to reputation, value, and growth overall. 

Other regulatory compliance in other forms of compliance vary by industry and geography such as health, safety, and manufacturing controls. This can also apply to content. For example, “According to Life Science Leader,” states that it costs between $800 million and $1.2 billion to bring a new drug to market. That means meeting regulatory requirements for the associated content is a quarter of that cost. A pharmaceutical company might have to make more than 30,000 label changes during a year, and complex label changes can take more than a year. Having a professional agency have a design ready for these flexible changes could cut the cost and knock off one less stressor to the product development phase. From websites and apps to offline documents, regulatory compliance is a key consideration when creating, managing, and publishing this type of content.

Overwhelmed on how to approach your content marketing strategy? Call 248.528.360

The post How to Make Your Content Effective in the “Big Content” Era appeared first on Miller Media, Digital Marketing Agency, PPC, Industrial Web Design, WordPress.

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