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How to identify keyword opportunities to boost site rankings

How to identify keyword opportunities to boost site rankings

From an IBM’s SEO Strategist, a tip to help with site ranking is to use to find keywords that are easy to rank high for, but still bring good results. Identifying these keywords will also help you prioritize, maximize resources, and make a significant impact in satisfying stakeholders. One of their extremely effective tools is the Organic Research Tool. 

Here is how it works provided by IBM:

Enter your site into the search bar within the tool. Then go to the Positions tab and enter how much monthly volume you or stakeholders would consider “impactful”. Large enterprises usually enter approximately 1,000 – 5,000 as a minimum, while small business enter 100 – 500 searches. Remember not to set your minimum too high, the goal is to find easy-to-rank keywords. Moving on to the next step, filter keywords to only show terms sitting in positions 11-20 that nearly rank on Page 1. 

This is an opportunity to use keywords early before other companies by polishing your content you already have instead hopping on the bandwagon behind someone else. You could also write a new piece of content around the keyword or add logical internal links or backlinks to existing pages to improve your site’s architecture. Most importantly, this process gives you insight into how to align your content to better match the intent of a search query. 
Once you have a list together, export it, sort through it, and create a roadmap of keywords to focus on for content creation. Depending on the difficulty of your niche, it might take some time to see improvement in your search engine results page rankings. Keyword evaluation and the content optimization process will help you prioritize what to work on first. 
Try it now in Organic Research → or Call 248.528.3600 and have an SEO expert will do it for you. 


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