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Google Website Page Algorithm

Take Advantage of Google Search Console Features

The top part of the Search Console Performance Report provides multiple insights on how a website performs in search, including in search features like featured snippets. There are four search types that can be explored in the Performance Report: Web, Image, Video, and News. Search Console shows the web search type by default. Change which …

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Google Search Console Guide For SEO

Improve your website’s health and search performance. Google search console provides data necessary to monitor website performance to improve search rankings. However, it’s not necessary to use Search Console to rank better nor is it a ranking factor. This still makes it an absolute necessity for online businesses and to maximize success because it offers an …

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How to Affect the Outcome of Google Core Algorithm Updates

Since August 2018, Google has crack down on websites that are categorized as medical, health, financial, news fields, and any sites considers impacting one’s livelihood to help prevent the spread of false information. Having an EAT (expertise, authority, trustworthiness) strategy is now a necessity with Google’s rigorous standards and updates. Human quality raters use Google’s …

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Author Expertise is Important to Google’s Algorithm?

Google’s Quality Raters Guidelines are used to standardize how third-party raters score search results tested by Google. The purpose is to bring a certain amount of objectivity for publishers and SEO experts when judging search results’ usefulness. EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) is a major concern when it comes to SEO. It was NOT confirmed …

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Google Implements Website Page Layout Algorithm Improvement

Thank you Matt Cutts!  This article validates the website methodology we have been implementing for our clients since 1997.  “So sites that don’t have much content “above-the-fold” can be affected by this change. If you click on a website and the part of the website you see first either doesn’t have a lot of visible …

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