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Google Website Content

Improve your content marketing with 7 Easy Steps

According to, 87% of B2B marketers use email campaigns, with 77% of the content being educational. Customers like to educate themselves on solutions to their problems. Create content that teaches, informs, and inspires these customers to pick your product or service. states that 84% of people decide to buy a product or service after watching …

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How to Address Google Core Algorithm Updates

Google confirmed that there is no “fix” that websites can do to pages that perform less other than building great content. Websites are evaluated over a long period of time, and this is viewed as a single, aggregated progress report. Then this the report is used to inform decisions to reward, punish, or maintain a site’s status. Many SEO experts have …

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How brands can take advantage of existing social media trends to drive traffic to their website

Recreate Trending Content: Getting your brand involved in culturally relevant movements can be achieved by recreating a trending piece of content on your company’s social media account. Make sure to put your own or a new spin on your product or message to give it a more authentic feel. Tik Tok’s discovery tab is a …

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Top 5 Google Ads Hacks for Success

It can be difficult to rank organically. Google Ads can help with extra targeting. Here are 5 tips to help you reach specific audiences and improve click-through rates:  Adds Many Extensions  Sitelink Extension Callout Extension  Structured Snipped Extension Call Extension Message Extension  Location Extension  Affiliate Location Extension  Price Extension  App Extension  Promotion Extension  2. Use …

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WordPress Websites are Perfect for Freelancers

According to the State of the Word address, 25% of survey participants make their living from WordPress. as from January 2015 to 2022 have over 243,161 WordPress projects completed. That’s a total value of $60,571,205. The most successful Envato Power Elite author has sold over 100,000 copies of one theme alone. With WordPress being …

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