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How to Create a Professional Website that Converts

How to Create a Professional Website that Converts

Estimates show that a user only takes 0.05 seconds to judge your website. To create a website that converts, you need to have a definitive goal as to what potential clients want to buy, sell, or be informed about. Once you know which goal you want to achieve, you can choose your theme, design, colors, and content accordingly. Here are seven web design tips to help you convert visitors to consumers:

  1. Have a solid base

Bounce back from website crashes can hurt your search rankings. Invest in a trusted hosting provider with a lot good rating and reviews by customers. 

2. Get your web design done right

K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple Silly. Color and graphics should relate to your brand. Functionally should be simple, a few fancy moving objects are eye-catching, but do too much can be distracting or give your potential client a headache. If you are having trouble in this area hire a graphic designer or a digital marketing agency. 

3. Secure your website with an SSL Certificate 

Sole proprietors with a static website that does not need to change use a regular SSL certificate to protect a single domain or subdomain. A wildcard SSL certificate is generally used by large brands who wish to secure their primary domain and multiple first-level subdomains. 

4. Run your site 24×7

Website crashes are usually caused by software updates, malfunctioning plugins, poor hosting service, or a cyberattack. Keep your CMS software updated at all times and remove unwanted plugins from your website. Search engines like Google also rank those sites that can guarantee safety to their users. If you are struggling to keep up with updates search for a marketing agency that provides web maintenance services. 

5. Arrange essential info

Keep organization easy to read. Fill footers and sidebars with essential data such as contact us, product, and service information, etc. Too many tabs can lead to confusion and frustration. Analyze the strategic importance of every tab and place them accordingly. For example, if the goal is to sell products have “products” as the first tab. 

6. Focus on your main goal

Incorporate appropriate calls to action or forms into the design that help you achieve you goal. For example, if your goal is to receive more calls create a button that says, “call now” and the easy to notice. 

7. Create an email list 

Get be people to subscribe to your website and provide free courses, newsletters, or relevant email campaigns. Social ads can be frustrating and intrusive, while email allows your clients to stay tailor what information they want. This will help you improve your marketing.  

Need help with any of these tips? Call 248.528.3600

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