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Should I Create a Landing Page for Each URL & Link to My Main Site?

Should I Create a Landing Page for Each URL & Link to My Main Site?

Having multiple websites targeting specific keywords is a bad financial and ROI strategy for most companies. It is better to consolidate your web properties in to one strong, well-designed, and developed website to focus your marketing efforts. This will be better for SEO. It is easier to optimize, technically maintain, secure protection, and build links on 1 website vs 30.

Exact match domain, such as having a keyword in the main URL of your site, will be more likely to rank for that particular keyword. While keywords in a URL are NOT a ranking factor according to Google, anecdotal evidence suggests otherwise, but this does not necessarily translate to increased web traffic, sales, and leads. Domain names beyond your main, branded web property, are much more exposed to the whims of a Google algorithm update than a well-built main brand domain and could lead to lower ranking. At the end of the day, keywords in the top-level domain are a weak signal and, in most cases, won’t result in a good ROI. Also, Google doesn’t like it when you try to rank multiple domains for the same company.


If you don’t want to use a keyword in the domain, an excellent alternative solution in to use keywords in the page URL names. This will create a robust and sensible internal linking structure, which results in a much stronger signal and more favorable when trying to rank on Google. Combined with great content, it usually is enough to elevate a page with keywords in the domain name to the same level as a site with keywords in the top-level domain. 
Overall, look for a better strategy than buying a bunch of domains with keywords in them. If you need help looking for alternative solutions, the team here at Miller Media are ready to help. 




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