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Industrial Website Development

Is your website design effective? How does it measure up?

How effective is your website design? Does your website engage the user at every stage? At any time, website visitors are in one of the following stages: 1. Attention, 2. Interest, 3. Desire, 4. Action, or 5. Satisfaction. Data-driven, user friendly design, in all of its forms, packs a powerful punch when it comes to …

Is your website design effective? How does it measure up? Read More »

5 Reasons Your Website Isn’t Attracting B2B Sales Leads

Its 2011, so what are your online marketing plans for the New Year? Will you be investing more in Pay Per Click (PPC)? Will you start blogging, tweeting? Whatever your online marketing plans, the end goal is likely to attract more people to your website in the hopes that this will translate into new customers, …

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Being Found Online & Connecting With Customers 10 Tips

There’s an interesting paradox I’ve noticed having to do with an analog vs. a digital existence. You may have the best looking physical location imaginable, and yet because you can’t be found online, you can’t connect with customers and thus don’t exist. Have you encountered it? It has to do with online search. Through online …

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Five Tips for writing Search Friendly Website Content

You have a great website. It has beautiful images, a compelling theme and intuitive navigation, all designed to take eager visitors to complete descriptions of your products and services. The only problem is that your website shows up somewhere after page 10 on the organic search engine results. Since most referrals to sites come directly …

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Website Mistakes that your B2B Company is Probably Making

Connecting with today’s B2B new socially-enabled buyer, or “Customer 2.0”, has become especially challenging for B2B manufacturing organizations. And along with the web increasingly becoming the preferred channel for customers find new sources and to do their research, having a functional website has become not just an option, but a necessity. Yet, B2B websites still …

Website Mistakes that your B2B Company is Probably Making Read More »

Build a Stong Website Foundation with Strong Keywords

When you tackle a new website it can be very overwhelming. The best way to do this is to start by looking online—and thinking like a customer! One of the best and easiest places to begin scouting out keywords is right on your web site. Look through all your pages and pick out the words …

Build a Stong Website Foundation with Strong Keywords Read More »

10 Things Customers Want on a Website

We have all heard the expression: “You only get one chance at a first impression”; it never ceases to amaze me how neglected industrial websites have become over the years. Size doesn’t matter online; No more excuses! Here are a few things to consider when creating your new online presence. Read the article 10 Things:

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