influencer marketing Archives - Miller Media, Digital Marketing Agency, PPC, Industrial Web Design, WordPress Mon, 13 Mar 2023 06:09:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 influencer marketing Archives - Miller Media, Digital Marketing Agency, PPC, Industrial Web Design, WordPress 32 32 Does Clickbait Marketing Work? Mon, 10 Oct 2022 13:01:48 +0000 We all want to create content that draws our audience to our website, but there are some techniques that could be hurting your SEO. If your webpage title, headings, and URL are not relevant to its content promised, Google might penalize you, which could severely impact your rankings. Using clickbait titles with outrageous claims to …

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We all want to create content that draws our audience to our website, but there are some techniques that could be hurting your SEO. If your webpage title, headings, and URL are not relevant to its content promised, Google might penalize you, which could severely impact your rankings. Using clickbait titles with outrageous claims to lure users can negatively affect your digital PR, brand reputation, and increase your bounce rate. Also using sketchy backlinks from less reputable sites can hurt your Page Authority score and page rank. In short, you want to avoid clickbait on your business’s website. 

What are Some Best Practices to Avoid Clickbait? 

Google’s algorithms can understand the content on your site and will check if it matches its headline and page title, so it is vital that you pay attention to your word structure. Google’s Page Title Update back in 2001 enables the search engine to display a “replacement” title tag when your page’s title does not accurately match its content. Make sure to check your page title and headers that they accurately represent what your content is about.

How to Create SEO-Friendly Titles & Headings

Start by doing keyword research. This can help you discover target keywords that you can include in your web page’s title, headings, and body copy. Using your target keywords throughout your content signals to Google that your page is relevant to your target keyword. You can use Google’s Keyword Planner to discover relevant or related keywords to target with your content and ads or hire a digital marketing agency with SEO services. Once you have your keywords, it’s important to implement them into your content. Include your target keywords in your page title and headings. Make sure you proofread to find and fix keyword stuffing in your content. Your goal is to make it friendly to web crawlers and readers. Pretend that you are a 5th grade teacher and write your article in a simple manner. For your content’s semantically related keywords make sure to also check readability, page title meta descriptions, and backlinks.  

Successfully Match the User’s Search Intent

There are 4 types of user intent you can tailor your content to. Let’s take a look:

  • Navigational Intent

When a user wants to navigate to or around a specific website of a specific company, they will likely add branded keywords in their search (ex. “Starbucks website”). Target these branded keywords with ads to increase brand awareness.

  • Informational Intent

When users want more information on a certain topic. They might ask questions or use keywords that indicate they’re looking for help (ex. “Where can I get a pumpkin spice latte?”). Target keywords with informative content, like videos, lists, infographics, blog, and tutorials. Focus on creating useful, actionable content that answers your readers’ questions. This also may help lessen the number of common questions your potential client needs to ask, quickening the path to purchase.

  • Commercial Investigation Intent

Once a user decides they want to purchase a product or service from your company, they will likely perform a search to compare the different options available (ex. “Starbucks vs Tim Hortons.”) Target keywords with comparison articles of your competition, reviews of the use of similar products/services, and how-to guides to capture web traffic. 

  • Transactional Intent

Certain keywords or phrases signal that a user is ready to buy (ex. “Add to Order”). Users are ready to buy and are now searching for the best price value or deal. They are more likely to be susceptible to clickbait while looking for the best deals. Be extra careful when creating discounts or being transparent with your pricing. Make sure if it has an expiration date it is easily readable or if it is a subscription the yearly or month payment is accurate. Target keywords with strong, SEO-friendly content that highlights your unique selling proposition. Also target these keywords with ads, but make sure your CTA is clear, precise, and your landing page reflects what is in the ad. 

Avoid clickbait SEO practice and call us at 248.528.360. 

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9 Overlooked PR Tips for Businesses Fri, 30 Sep 2022 12:39:24 +0000 Daily operations of your business can sometimes lead to neglect of marketing side. Without self-promotion this can lead to new customers to overlook your business and previous customers to forget about your brand. To help keep up with the important PR side of your business here are 11 tips that you may have not thought …

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Daily operations of your business can sometimes lead to neglect of marketing side. Without self-promotion this can lead to new customers to overlook your business and previous customers to forget about your brand. To help keep up with the important PR side of your business here are 11 tips that you may have not thought to incorporate into your monthly or quarterly marketing strategy:

1. Send a Pitch to a Journalist

Writing an email that includes your bio and a link to your website is the bare minimum. Think about what the journalist might want to write about in relation to your company or industry. For example, if Halloween is coming up, you might they be considering content themed around the getting ready for the holiday or Fall/Autumn? Say you sell furniture, you could pitch a few of your own creations as suitable additions to shopping guides the journalist might be pull together for the season.

2. Research the Publication & See What They Typically Feature

Do you have a favorite magazine or news outlet you subscribe to? Get to know the magazine or piece of media you can see content about your product or service in. Certain publications have inspiration pieces. Think about how they write them and match the tone. Journalists are busy and juggling lots of items, so make their life easier by sending them a text-rich, well-informed pitch deck along with everything they need like photos and logo files. If they have a submission page, follow their instructions to a “T”. The less correcting they have to do the more likely they will work with you now and in the future. 

3. Make Your About Page “Journalist & New User Friendly”

When trying to find out about a business to write about, one of the first things users do is click on the About page of their website. If they can’t find the information, they need they will back out of your website altogether. Here are the items that put users and potential journalist off and that you need to fix right away: 

  • Not including your full business name
  • Not including your location or locations you serve
  • Not having a professional photograph of your business or its work 
  • Not including an email address and/or contact form
  • Not making it obvious that media enquiries are welcome (encourage questions)
  • Not providing enough information about your background or history (how did your business come to be)

Make sure to add in details to make life easier for anyone hoping to write or interview you. If need to deliberately avoid some of the above features due to privacy concerns have a FAQ section or add a sentence that says, “For media enquiries, a professional bio, and a full portfolio please email us directly.”, then add a way for them to contact you. 

4. Become “Podcast Ready” 

Podcasts continue to grow in popularity for all kinds of industries. Buy a half-decent microphone and headphones. Let your internal marketing team up with your sales team to create media and graphic content. Also, on your About page say how you have everything needed for a quality broadcast and that you are open to podcast interviews with others in your industry or any media outlets willing to talk about your product or service. 

5. Add a Case Study Page  

Say your company launched a new product or service for a client and it was a complete success.  Create a nice case study that goes in dept about the problem and how your product or service solved it. Bonus if you can add a client testimonial. Then add it to your website. Make sure to create the visuals for all your social media accounts and link them to your new case study page. This help builds credibility and authority to your business. Potential clients have more reasons to trust you vs other companies that don’t have case studies. 

6. Spend 15 Minutes a Day Engaging with People

Social media gets a bad rep when it comes to discourse, but it doesn’t have to be a war zone. Take as few as 15 minutes liking or sharing people’s tweets, commenting on clients’ updates, and reaching out to brands you’d love to work with. This helps to build a network as well as raise your own profile. By being active on social media, you are opening doors and creating more avenues for brand awareness. 

7. Optimize When You Post 

Know when it is the right time to tweet, add an Instagram post or share a LinkedIn update. The algorithms are difficult to figure out because they are always changing. So, the best way to approach this is by analyzing your own feeds and seeing when you have had the best engagement. It is also a good idea to research when your target demographic in on the platform. For example, if you are selling to mothers. Avoid posting at early hours when they are taking their kids to school. To make life easier, schedule updates during the best times for you. Use an automation tool to schedule and publish your tweets and posts whilst you are doing something else or hire an agency that provide social media marketing services. 

8. Ask Clients if They Want to Stay Informed Via a Newsletter

Build your own subscriber list. Never rely on social media platforms alone. People take breaks or leave social media all the time. If a platform disappears, you still have connection to loyal customers. If you have your own newsletter to send out to people, you are in control. Create a well-designed monthly newsletter and include things like your latest product, service, or industry news. Include links to recent blog posts that demonstrate your wealth of knowledge. People are more likely to check email daily and there is a high chance they will open it every month. Include spaces on your website where they can sign up. WordPress has widgets and tools you can use. Mailchimp is also a good option to get start with due to it being free based on 2,000 contacts. 

9. Write a Blog

Speaking of a blog, add a blog to your domain and not as a separate site. Each blog post is a new landing page, enticing potential clients to you. Write about problems or questions potential clients might have. Users like to Google questions and if create a great piece of informative long-form content Google might show your business directly to them. Use it to educate, compare to competitors, and share industry insights with viewers. You can also use it to foster b2b relationships. You can share and interview other complementary businesses. This will strength your relationship and if you need to partner up on a project, they are more likely to say yes with enthusiasm. 

Need help integrating PR into your marketing strategy? Call 248.528.360

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5 Ways Brands Can Make Money on Instagram Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:17:49 +0000 You don’t need to be a massive influencer to make money from Instagram. Many Instagram business users make money with Instagram as an extra avenue in addition with their website and in-store experiences. Building an audience takes drive, time, and commitment. Use the existing marketing material you have to help build your profile. Once you …

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You don’t need to be a massive influencer to make money from Instagram. Many Instagram business users make money with Instagram as an extra avenue in addition with their website and in-store experiences. Building an audience takes drive, time, and commitment. Use the existing marketing material you have to help build your profile. Once you have built a good size following, check out the 5 additional ways to make money on Instagram: 

1. Team Up with Another Brand

Your competition isn’t always your enemy. Sometimes they are the complementary brand or company you could partner up with. If you have a committed base of followers that regularly engage with your posts, a company may reach out to you to include one of their products or services post. The reverse is also true. If the company has an engaged audience reach out to them to see if they would be interested guest posting. Make sure the content benefits both parties. This can come in form of sharing industry news, swapping similar products, creating a fun game with each product or service, and more fun ideas. 

2. Instagram Live Badges

Audiences can use badges to show their support for creators during a live stream. Think of them like a tip jar for creators. Enable badges within your creator Instagram account, and the option will be presented to viewers within the comments section of a live stream. Remember to remind views occasionally to draw attention if they want to give their support. If they donate show videos of how their donation improved the product or service. This will make your audience feel like they are part of the creation process and indicate that your business listens, cares, and learns from their audience. 

3. Enable Subscriptions

While still in the trial phase, the ability for creators to allow subscribers access to unique content is available. Unlock a ‘subscribe’ button on your profile that lets you create custom, access-only content for Stories and Lives behind a paywall. This is a great way to engage more deeply with your audience. Content could be a sneak peak of a new product, a backstage look of what it takes to prepare for a product or service, or in-depth detail about your brands story that may interest your audience. 

4. Affiliate Marketing 

Instagram Affiliate brings a more direct recommendation service to Instagram. Are there any tools or services you want to recommend to your audience? Potential clients go to creators they admire for recommendations on products and brands to support. Once enabled, you can simply share a link to a product or service you want them to view. If your audience purchases something through the link, you gain a commission. Make sure whatever you recommend does not conflict with your product or service and does not conflict with why you audience follows you. For example, your business sells home-made soaps. A good affiliate product would be a soap dish by a different company. It is natural for someone shopping for soap to need something to place it in and would not be put off by that product being sold to them as well. Use Instagram Stories to showcase products and click through to other sites. 

5. Merchandising

If you are business that sells products you are already doing this, but if you sell services, it might interest you to sell products. If you have a group of committed followers with an authentic brand that they absolutely love, consider setting up your own shop. Branded merchandise like mugs, t-shirts, and books requires a bit of an initial investment, but the rewards can be significant. It can act as a bonus for your customer, and you may gain free marketing if they share it organically. Look at Starbucks for example. They sell coffee, but they also sell mugs and tumblers, and more. Make sure to choose what feels right for your brand and audience. If it feels like monetization for the sake of it, you may end up losing followers, so make sure it something they would enjoy having. 

Create an Instagram marketing plan today! Call 248.528.360

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How to Advertise on TikTok Wed, 27 Jul 2022 13:45:35 +0000 TikTok ads can help increase views and engagement on your content. Run in-feed ads, ads for managed brands, and extra ad formats like Topview ads, branded hashtag challenges, and branded effects. If you are struggling to keep up with this social network, here are a few tips and tricks to help build your digital marketing strategy: …

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TikTok ads can help increase views and engagement on your content. Run in-feed ads, ads for managed brands, and extra ad formats like Topview ads, branded hashtag challenges, and branded effects. If you are struggling to keep up with this social network, here are a few tips and tricks to help build your digital marketing strategy:

Sell on TikTok 

The TikTok Shop feature lets your target audience discover and purchase products directly through the app. This will increase your sales. Also, user-generated content can help boost sales. Use hashtag challenges, giveaway challenges, and encourage users to add your branded hashtag to their video entry. This will help you grow organically, as well as have your brand come off as more authentic and trustworthy. 

Go Live on TikTok

Do a TikTok live broadcast to connect with your existing audience. You can talk directly to your potential clients and answer any questions they may have about your product or service. It is also a nice way to break up from direct selling or promotional content. 

 Stay on Top of Trending Audio

Audio is an often missed by marketer as a fantastic way to capture an audience. People often remember visuals if paired with interesting audio. The right audio can increase you views since these people searching for audio will also come across your product or service video. Go to Discover at the bottom of your screen and research the most popular song and hashtags to incorporate. 

Post Often

Post frequently and consistently. This will give you better chances of going viral. You will refine your video-making skills the more videos you make. Try to make sure you always have a video ready to follow up on your latest post. If you need help, create a team or higher an agency with social media marketing services help you stay organized. 

We can help organize a social media marketing strategy for your business. Call 248.528.3600

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13 Off-Page SEO Techniques That Work Tue, 26 Jul 2022 13:22:52 +0000 Link building alone will not help your website grow in authority or organic search traffic. Here are 13 off-page SEO tactics including link building that can help you achieve these goals: Link Building Earning backlinks from high-authority websites helps position your site (especially in Google’s algorithm) as an authority. These high authority links work like …

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Link building alone will not help your website grow in authority or organic search traffic. Here are 13 off-page SEO tactics including link building that can help you achieve these goals:

  1. Link Building

Earning backlinks from high-authority websites helps position your site (especially in Google’s algorithm) as an authority. These high authority links work like a “vote of trust” from one site to another. Close the link gap between your site and your competitors’ site by focusing on these factors:

  • Authority 
  • Unique Domains
  • Topical Relevance 
  1. Brand Building

A key part of your broader SEO and marketing strategy as well a part of your approach to off-page SEO is brand building. Start with brand searches: your brand name, products, and domain searches. Use a keyword Overview tool and look at Google Trends to keep track of your data. Focus on brand SERPs. These are the search results that show when a user searches your brand name. This will give an idea on brand’s reputation and maybe even earn you links and mentions on other blogs or website that could help drive web traffic. 

  1. Content Marketing

Content marketing spans both on-page and off-page tactics. You can create and publish anywhere on the web falls under content marketing. If you write a guest post or publish an infographic that gets linked to a top-tier newspaper, that’s content marketing. Engaging assets can make it easier to promote your content, and it could encourage others to share it too. Content marketing also works well with other off-page techniques like link building, social media, and PR. Typical content marketing tactics that help boost off-page signals includes:

  • Blog posts
  • Infographics
  • Surveys, studies & research papers
  • Whitepapers & eBooks
  1. PR

Digital PR is the link-building tactic of choice for many SEOs. It is the perfect way to earn authority links at scale. Use PR tactics to promote a great story and corresponding linkable assets. It is possible to earn significant volumes of links as a result. A recent study highlighted that the average campaign earns links from between 10 and 24 unique linking domains. A great PR campaign can also be to:

  • Increase brand awareness & resultant brand searches.
  • Put your business in front of your target audience & gets them talking about you.
  • Drives referral traffic.
  • Positions you as a thought leader in your industry & helps to build trust signals.
  1. Local SEO (GMB & Citations)

Google My Business plays a vital role in the online presence any local business. It has recently been reported that 46% of all Google searches are looking for local information and that 4 in 5 consumers use search engines to find local information. It is a simple fact that if it is not your business showing amongst local GMB results, it is one of your competitors. A citation, like a business listing, is a mention of your business online that typically references your business’ NAP (name, address, and phone number). A local business looking to rank for geographically targeted search terms on the SERPs or map pack, using citationsis a must. The key to success with citations is consistency. Inconsistent citations demonstrate a lack of coherency. Ensure that all your NAP references match.

  1. Social Media

According to Hootsuite, 93% of regular Internet users log into social media. Social media plays a massive role in using the web and searching for answers to our questions. However, social shares aren’t a direct ranking factor. Treat social media platforms as search engines and discovery platforms. Your presence across social can put you in front of potential clients and customers looking for answers to their questions. Also use as a customer service platform. Most of your customers will reach out on social as the first port of call.

  1. Forums

Use forums to get directly involved in conversations that relate to your expertise, to position yourself as an expert, and quickly rise to be seen as a specialist or expert. Be careful and avoid spamming forums, comments, and other UGC platforms to build (high or low quality) links. This interferes with user experience and hurt customer trust. Build up a strong community and level of trust from audiences on forums. Reddit and Quora are key large-scale platforms to use, but forums within your niche can be just as effective.

  1. Influencer Marketing

 Bloggers, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok are all influencer marketing and can be a phenomenal way to build your brand, amplify your content, and reach new audiences. Social platforms are search engines in their own right. They are used differently from Google; they are a form of a search engine where users are actively looking to find content. Influencers can help to ensure you are present, as a business, on these platforms. Don’t use influencer marketing as a way to build links unless they are no followed (links within sponsored content violate Google’s Webmaster Guidelines). 

  1. Events

Events are making a comeback within marketing strategies. Online and in-person events can help to engage your audience and build relationships. You can also benefit from a real buzz around your business, which will drive social engagement with referrals and even links. They are a great way to pick up some fantastic PR coverage. This is a great strategy for b2b markets and b2c markets who want to create brand loyalty. 

  1. Guest Posting

Guest posting involves submitting content to someone else’s website to provide information and value to their audience. When done right, guest posting can contribute far more to your marketing strategy than just being used to build links. It remains one of the most effective link building tactics. Your primary objective of guest posting should be to reach a new audience, get in front of a related site’s traffic, and build your brand. Guest posting puts your brand in front of a targeted audience, earns targeted traffic, and helps to position you as an expert in your field.

  1. Podcasts

Podcasts are insanely popular right now, and they are continuing to gain more listeners every month. 57% of Americans have listened to podcasts at least once. Most businesses still aren’t using podcasts as part of their strategy, which is a great way to gain a competitive advantage. They are a great way to reach new audiences, share your expertise, and gain visibility on search engines that aren’t Google. Apple’s Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify are search engines and lets you find relevant podcasts with keywords.

  1. Reviews

89% of people consult online reviews before making a purchase. Reviews are a massively underrated off-page SEO and online reputation management tactic. TrustPilot says, “Perhaps the most underrated benefit of collecting reviews is that, when implemented properly, reviews can help Google better understand your site. The common understanding is that Google uses them to derive brand signals, which can boost your site’s domain authority and eventually your position in search.” A business that has collected great reviews on third-party platforms is positioning itself as a brand. Great reviews help to increase conversions and, once again, trust. 

  1. Content Syndication

A publication will look to syndicate content from other sources to supplement their original articles. They do this because it is easier than creating fresh content all the time. Content is syndicated across sites that form part of a network owned by a TV or radio group. Publishers are also using this to increase the content that goes live on their site every day. Yahoo! is perhaps one of the biggest platforms that commonly syndicate content from other sources.

You might also have considered syndicating your content to other publications to increase your reach and readership.

what Google says: Syndicate carefully: If you syndicate your content on other sites, Google will always show the version we think is most appropriate for users in each given search, which may or may not be the version you’d prefer. However, it is helpful to ensure that each site on which your content is syndicated includes a link back to your original article. You can also ask those who use your syndicated material to use the no index meta tag to prevent search engines from indexing their version of the content.

Syndicated content often isn’t indexed by Google for obvious reasons related to it being a duplicate of the original. But that doesn’t mean to say you should always avoid it.

Content syndication can help amplify your content. More eyeballs on your published work can positively impact brand signals, even when the URLs canonicalize to the original.

Implement these Off-Page SEO tactics today. Call 248.528.360.

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How to Create the Ultimate TikTok Marketing Strategy Fri, 15 Jul 2022 13:14:30 +0000 TikTok is one of the most popular, and fastest growing social media platforms. It has one billion active users around the world, all kinds of businesses can use TikTok for marketing. This is the platform to use for growing your brand due to its massive potential for going viral and getting your brand seen by millions …

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TikTok is one of the most popular, and fastest growing social media platforms. It has one billion active users around the world, all kinds of businesses can use TikTok for marketing. This is the platform to use for growing your brand due to its massive potential for going viral and getting your brand seen by millions of users. It is also perfect for promoting a specific product or service and driving sales. Here are 4 tips to help you get started in building a strategy for Tik Tok:

1. Create a Business Account

  • Open your profile page
  • Open the Settings and Privacy tab
  • Tap Manage Account
  • Go to Account Control & choose Switch to Business Account
  • Now TikTok will offer you a range of different categories to choose from 
  • Select the category that best describes your business
  • Add your business website and email to your profile

2. Create Video Content with a Goal

When you create a TikTok account for your business and create content, you will start to build an audience organically. Your goal is to land on TikTok’s “For You” page so your target user will be able to discover you. Create content that users will want to come back to daily. For example, if you are selling a product, create a “how to use” part 1 video and the next day create a part 2 and so on. If you are a service, thing about videos that will showcase success, such as short-term testimonial videos. 

3. Use Influencer Marketing 

Influencers are extremely useful in promoting your brand. Look for influencers that have a similar audience or have the new audience you want to attract. Don’t rule out small micro-influencers in your local area. Reach out for a collaboration and come up with a mutually beneficial marketing strategy for promoting your product or service. 

4. Use TikTok Advertising 

Have a budget to spend on TikTok ads. They allow for a variety of different formats, and directly target your exact audience that you want to attract. Use ads strategically by using on the primary product or service you want to promote. Make sure to have contact and website info clearly visible so potential clients can take action immediately upon viewing. 

Need help including TikTok into your marketing strategy? We can help! Call 248.528.3600

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Top 10 Tips to Optimize Your Instagram Engagement Fri, 08 Jul 2022 13:58:55 +0000 Promoting your business on Instagram takes time and patience. Staying up to date with the fast-paced ever evolving platform can be difficult. Whether you’re using Stories, posts, reels, or IGTV you need make sure your target audience is engaging and that your business is building brand loyalty. Here are Instagram tips and tricks to help …

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Promoting your business on Instagram takes time and patience. Staying up to date with the fast-paced ever evolving platform can be difficult. Whether you’re using Stories, posts, reels, or IGTV you need make sure your target audience is engaging and that your business is building brand loyalty. Here are Instagram tips and tricks to help you take control of your content.

  1. Hashtags 

Here are some hashtag rules to keep in mind:

  • Use around 10 hashtags (but don’t use too many)
  • Make they are relevant for your content 
  • Research your hashtags 
  • Avoid using social causes unless the profits directly contributes
  • Create a brand hashtag for your business

2. Optimize Your Bio

Make sure your contact details are up to date. Add a link to your bio where people can find out more about your product, service, or business. Add your branded hashtag and any associate accounts to your bio. Many fake accounts don’t have a bio. Avoid being confused for a bot by keeping essential info up to date.         

3. Be Active with Stories

Link your business’s website directly to your Stories posts to enable followers to buy or contact you with a couple of clicks. Ask questions and use polls in your Stories to create a conversation with your audience. Use subtitles on your video posts to create more accessible and engaging content.

4. Create Instagram Templates for Design Consistency 

Customize a template to match your branding with colors and fonts. Find or have a designer create a template pack with a consistent theme so your account is intentionally cohesive. Use templates for discounts, promos, and sales content for call-to-action posts. Create “Thank You” messages for your followers and customers. 

5. Quality Control Your Posts

Check spelling and grammar in your titles and text elements. Use the highest quality stock images and video clips in your post or hire professionals to help take photos and videos of your business. Switch between video and image-based posts to keep it interesting. 

6. Create Call-to-Action Posts

Whether you want someone to follow a link, buy something, follow you or sign up, you need to tell them to do so. Ask questions in your CTA to give your potential customers a reason to reply.

Make sure your contact details are available in the CTA text. Create landing pages and promos to link your posts with relevant information.

7. Tag Others in Your Posts

Tag influencers or complementary brands (b2b) that share you target audience in your post. However, be accurate with your tagging, as many handles look similar. Don’t over-tag your posts and always make sure the people or brands you are tagging have a legitimate interest in your post. Create content that offers partnership with other users and tag them in your posts. Follow accounts that inspire you or compliment your offering and tag them appropriately.

8. Always Respond to Comments & Send DMs

Follow-up is essential in the business world, and you should set aside time to respond to your comments, even if it is just a simple “thank you”. Take time to DM your followers when there is a need for longer communication. Use social listening to keep tabs on your content across multiple platforms.

9. Use Scheduling Tools

Save time by creating your posts in batches and scheduling them to publish later. If an old post, photo, or video hasn’t got many views, consider publishing again at a future date. Divide your long-form content into short videos and posts to create a buzz around your company blog or content rich web pages. Mix your content between shared interests, selling, and about us posts. Be flexible when publishing your content for updates within your industry. 

10. Develop Your Instagram Live

Create teasers and sneak peeks of your new products or services. Share behind the scenes moments from your office or workplace. Join in social media challenges that are appropriate to your business.

Need help with your Instagram account? Call 248.528.360. 

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Tips on Creating an Effective Influencer Marketing Campaign Fri, 17 Jun 2022 12:29:06 +0000 For a social media campaign to viral it is best to work with influencer within your niche. Your campaign will gain that initial momentum when starting to trend, gaining views, developing organic content, searches, and clicks to your website. If you have never participated in influencer marketing before, here are some starting tips:  🎯Define Goal …

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For a social media campaign to viral it is best to work with influencer within your niche. Your campaign will gain that initial momentum when starting to trend, gaining views, developing organic content, searches, and clicks to your website. If you have never participated in influencer marketing before, here are some starting tips:

 🎯Define Goal & Target Audience

It may be seductive to choose an influencer solely based on popularity, but this can backfire if their audience has no interest or use for product or service. Find influencers with similar demographics as your target audience and determine if your goal is to educate, inform, or sell you product or service. Make sure the influencer provides a link somewhere easily found. 

❌Avoid One-Off Collaborations 

While trends can be useful, if the influencer does not regularly mention your brand it can be forgotten. One-time collaborations are not enough, make sure they can organically fit your product or service into their content for the long-term. 

🤝Work with a Range of Influencers

Surprisingly, most influencers do not share the same fan base even if they are in the same niche. Don’t be afraid to pick several different influencers for your campaign. You may even tap into different audiences and increase your campaign’s reach. Small-sized creators can be a great as well because engagement rate is higher, and their audience tends to share a deeper connection. 

🎨Give Influencers Creative Control 

Have too polished of a script can come off as inauthentic. Give an open-ended brief and then, let them tailor it to their personal brand. You can provide guidelines on what you want communicated, but you want them to be able to come back to you with ideas. Avoid sounding like a blatant ad. It is better is the collaboration comes off as organic, not force. 

💪Start a Social Media Challenge 

This can be a fun demonstration of your product or service and a good way to start a trend if you can’t find one to latch onto. Also starting a challenge builds community and encourages people to participate before missing out. Take Chipotle and their 2020 Cinco de Mayo deal promotion. They started #LidFlip challenge of Tik Tok. Not only did it boost brand awareness, but it generated 700,000 views and potential new customers. 

📦Be Prepared for Influx of Searches & Purchases 

Make sure your landing web pages are optimized to handle the incoming search and web traffic. Also make sure to have enough product in stock if you are selling physical items. This is to be done BEFORE you go live as to not interfere with the user experience. 

💰Support Influencer Marketing with Paid Advertising 

Run UGC ads on your brand social accounts along your influencer campaign. It will add further momentum and exposer. It will also give the audience a reminder to click on the available link to your product or service. 

Start your influencer campaign. Call 248.528.3600.

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15 New Ways to Get More Instagram Followers in 2022 Fri, 03 Jun 2022 13:11:07 +0000 Gaining more Instagram followers can increase traffic to your website, make more sales, and turn you into an influential brand, but curating an online community can be difficult. Here are 15 ways to help you get started in gathering more eyeballs on your profile:    Curate Your Profile Plan out your feed according to your …

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Gaining more Instagram followers can increase traffic to your website, make more sales, and turn you into an influential brand, but curating an online community can be difficult. Here are 15 ways to help you get started in gathering more eyeballs on your profile: 


  1. Curate Your Profile

Plan out your feed according to your niche. Have a consistent aesthetic that supports your brand. Look at your feed as a whole. Do the post fit together? What impression do they give? 


2. Instagram Reels 

Short-term looping videos are the most effective way to gain audience attention right now. Create high interest content based on popular trends or behind-the-scenes content. Use keywords and hashtags in Reel Captions to describe your video content. Spice up your video up by including trending sounds and add on-screen text for viewers without sound. Avoid TikTok watermark, this will drive viewers off Instagram. 


3. Optimize Your Post Caption for Search 

According to The Verge spokesperson, Instagram’s team considers “type of content, captions, when it was posted,” and more for surface relevant results. Use keywords in your caption with this in mind or write them in advance to save on time. 


4. Develop a Hashtag Strategy 

Reach rate increases 11% as the number of hashtags grows from 1 to 30. Use hashtags related to your product or service. Also think about hashtags based on the type of potential client you want. For example, use #businesshelp to if your service is useful in b2b spaces. 


5. Host an Instagram Giveaway 

This tactic helps you grow fast and gain potential new followers. Have clear entry requirements that support your growth goals. For example, you can suggest tagging a friend in the comments, sharing on Instagram Stories, or following your account. It is even more beneficial to partner up with a creator or complementary brand that shares a target audience. 


6. Partner with Influencers & Brands

Find like-minded individuals or brands to partner up with. Make sure the partnership will be mutually beneficial by combining complementary target audiences. Don’t forget to consider Nano or Micro influencers. They usually have higher engagement rates and a stronger relationship with their audience. 


7. Create Highly Shareable Content 

Grow organically, by including inspirational quotes, informative carousel posts, and on-trend memes. Memes have a high chance of going viral due to their funny and clever nature. This will create a positive association with your brand and your community with be more likely to share a laugh. Balance trending visuals and the sentiment of your target audience to bring attention to your niche. 


8. Have a Clear Value Position 

Your content doesn’t have to be the same, but if someone follows your profile, they must know what product or service you are selling. For example, if you are selling shampoo, one post can focus directing on sales and another can be hair styling tip using the shampoo. Think about the value your product or service will give your audience. 


9. Cross Promote Your Account on Different Channels 

TikTok is big right now. You can use the short video form to preview your Instagram profile and encourage viewers to follow you on Instagram as well. You can also do this with your website, email newsletter, podcast, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and any other platform included in your marketing strategy. 


10. Create an Instagram Challenge 

Think about an activity that people would enjoy and find a way to incorporate your product or service into it. Make participation as easy as possible. Create a branded hashtag and tie the challenge back to your brand. 


11. Encourage User-generated Content with Branded Hashtag 

Raise brand awareness by sharing user-generated content with a branded hashtag or tag. These can act as testimonials. For example, if you were a wedding dress company, a satisfied client might share a photo of the dress they bought and include your branded hashtag. Share it and make sure to add the handle of the original creator. 


12. Make Content Accessible to All Audiences

Over 430 million people are deaf or hard of hearing and 2.2 billion people have vision impairment. Add subtitles or text overlays to video content on Instagram videos, Stories, and Reels. Manually write descriptive alt text for Instagram posts. Verbalize visual details during stories or videos. Capitalize each word in hashtags for screen readers. 


13. Post Consistently 

Post on consistent days or times. It helps to preplan what days, times, and how frequently you want to post on Instagram. Think about when your target audience is most likely will be on Instagram. 


14. Add Keywords to Your Bio’s Name Field

You want your company to be searchable. Think about what industry or niche you are in, who you want to target, and what solution you offer. Check the term in Instagram’s search bar to see what appears if you are stuck. An example of this in if you brand sell custom artwork, your Name Field might include the term “Art” or “Artwork”.


15. Collaborate on Feed Posts

Instagram has an Instagram Collabs feature that allows Instagram feed posts and Reels to have co-authors. When you partner up with another brand or influencer you can share views, likes, and comments. This is big if you want to combine communities to grow your audience. Keep in mind that the content has to work on both accounts. 


Need help growing on Instagram? Call 248.528.3600. 

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TikTok Stories & How to Use Them Thu, 26 May 2022 13:00:14 +0000 Similar to other platforms like Instagram or YouTube, TikTok Stories are videos or photos that disappear after 24 hours. However, the main difference is that users can publicly comment on TikTok stories like they when they engage with regular TikTok content. Rather than a private list of story views and replies, TikTok Stories will show …

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The post TikTok Stories & How to Use Them appeared first on Miller Media, Digital Marketing Agency, PPC, Industrial Web Design, WordPress.

Similar to other platforms like Instagram or YouTube, TikTok Stories are videos or photos that disappear after 24 hours. However, the main difference is that users can publicly comment on TikTok stories like they when they engage with regular TikTok content. Rather than a private list of story views and replies, TikTok Stories will show comments on the story itself. Brands and content creators on the app can now have more engagement and two-way conversations with their audience or potential clients. 

How to Create & Watch a TikTok Story:

  1. Tap the camera button as you would to create a regular TikTok. 
  2. Either record videos on the spot or upload photos and videos from your camera roll.
  3. Personalize your content with TikTok’s tools like sounds, effects, text, or stickers.
  4. Tap the “Post to Story” button. 

A blue ring around will appear around your profile picture, and you can press on your profile picture to view their story. They will also show up on the For You Page and will have a small blue “Story” button in the bottom left corner. TikTok is known for scrolling up and down, whereas Stories require scrolling across. 

Develop a strong strategy and level-up your content. Call 248.528.3600.

The post TikTok Stories & How to Use Them appeared first on Miller Media, Digital Marketing Agency, PPC, Industrial Web Design, WordPress.

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