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The relationship of Content and SEO

The relationship of Content and SEO

Today, everyone is focused on content marketing.  

The better content you produce, the better your website or social media account will be; more visitors, more followers, and more conversions.  What business and organization doesn’t want that, right?


Yes, the vast majority of the all businesses and organizations I work with want to grow with more website traffic, more social media followers, and in the end more website conversions.

And let’s not downplay content, because it is extremely important!

But in a world where Content is King, many forget that content can only remain ruler of the throne when it is paired with fundamentals of SEO.

The relationship of Content and SEO

Content is just an element of SEO. Yep, you read that right.

Most people seem to think that content marketing is its own thing. Maybe you think that it is used to engage with your audience. And that’s right!   But content is more than that.

Content is a critical element of SEO. With content you add more valuable information to your website, resulting in more pages that are indexed by Google. But that’s not all!

The more quality content you create, the more authoritative of a resource you become. This is great for your audience, but also Google! If you provide a wide variety of knowledge on a topic, Google will take notice. And you will start to become a great resource for them to provide in search results. Ultimately enhancing your ranking in Google.

It’s a win-win!

But when you ignore the basic fundamentals of SEO, all the content you created will not get indexed. Meaning your content won’t be found! Resulting in all your hard work going to waste.


So yes, quality content is extremely important! And you need to continue to produce quality content on a regular basis. But creating that content would mean nothing without the fundamentals of SEO.

There are 3 basic fundamentals of SEO that are critical to remember if you want your content marketing to succeed.   Contact us today and we can help you get started!  248-528-3600

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