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Author name: millermedia

How to Build an SEO Strategy for your New Website

Here are 10 essential steps to build an SEO Strategy for your new website:  Pick the right domain name Align your brand name with your domain name Choose a high-quality website hosting provider  Your host’s speed impacts your site’s performance Set up Google Search Console  Verify GSC so it collects important SEO performance data. Items …

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Elements of a Good Website Design

What makes a web design good vs bad? This information is imperative for businesses, especially small businesses, trying to compete and build EAT (expertise, authority, trustworthiness) for Google’s algorithm. Essential elements to focus on: 👁 Visual Look:  User expectations are high. Any graphics that look dated (not to be confused with nostalgia era style) leaves a …

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Should I Create a Landing Page for Each URL & Link to My Main Site?

Having multiple websites targeting specific keywords is a bad financial and ROI strategy for most companies. It is better to consolidate your web properties in to one strong, well-designed, and developed website to focus your marketing efforts. This will be better for SEO. It is easier to optimize, technically maintain, secure protection, and build links on …

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SEO Tip: How to create an SEO Strategy for your New Website

Development, branding, and design are all important when launching a new website, but businesses often forget the ever-important SEO strategy. It is better to create an SEO strategy BEFORE you start designing and developing your website. The SEO strategy becomes the structure on which your website is built. Keywords related to your market, products, or …

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