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Author name: millermedia

Website Design Trends to Watch in 2018

11 web design trends you should consider using in 2018. Balancing websote aesthetics AI, and functionality is a difficult act, but if you get it right you’ll set yourself up for increased user engagement and higher conversion rates. Here are a few trends that  can improve your online presence.

Better Google SEO Results Before 2018

Wondering how you can grow your google organic search traffic before this year comes to a close?    We’ve compiled 3 ways to help you achieve that goal before year end.

How Google Customer Reviews Positively Impact Your Website’s SEO

Just how important are Google’s online reviews for your business?  
1- 84% of people trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation
2-90% of consumers read less than 10 reviews before forming an opinion about a business.
3-73% of consumers think that reviews older than 3 months are no longer relevant.

How mobile is reshaping the Google B2B Buying Experience

  There’s a new generation of B2B buyers out there. In the past, companies relied on good ole’boy personal relationships to increase business. Whether it was in-person, at industry events, or over the phone, the human element between business and customer played a pivotal role in business growth. But the digital world has changed that …

How mobile is reshaping the Google B2B Buying Experience Read More »

Website Development & SEO: Does your developer do both?

Even if you have the coolest website on the Internet, If people can’t find you, you don’t exist! When creating or redesigning a new website Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be an afterthought.  Having a solid foundation is key to building an effective new website.   Having a SEO friendly website design is equally important… so, …

Website Development & SEO: Does your developer do both? Read More »

Http vs Https is it worth the switch? Why you need to migrate

Switching to HTTPS: Is it really worth it? Ever since Google made the announcement that HTTPS is a ranking signal, there has been a lot of discussion around whether that extra ‘s’ is really worth the hassle. There are clear benefits to obtaining that sought-after green padlock, but there is also a lot of nervousness …

Http vs Https is it worth the switch? Why you need to migrate Read More »

SEO: Content, Connections and Continuity of Experience

  SEO is about optimizing websites, but far more importantly, it is about enhancing and improving the broader Web presence and the user experience itself so that enterprises (businesses like yours) are seen as relevant to, and favorable for, a prospective audience/user’s query (the terms and phrases they use) when using one of the popular …

SEO: Content, Connections and Continuity of Experience Read More »

RankBrain and Semantic Search: On-Page SEO in 2017

Semantic search has sparked a lot of buzz in the SEO space. We’ve heard about entity SEO, conversational content, optimizing for topics (as opposed to keywords), and even completely ditching old-school SEO tactics, like link building and keyword targeting, in favor of creating the most relevant and useful piece of content there is, and letting Google do the rest.

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