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Author name: millermedia

Google Panda Search Engine Recovery Tactics

Yes its true Google has pushed thru 2 Panda updates in June which has left many webmasters scratching their heads wondering if they can possibly recover. The answer is YES, you can recover 100%, according to Google’s Matt Cutts, simply stated just follow the rules. As I mentioned before Google Panda is an “Algorithm update” …

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My website position on Google Dropped Again….Curse you Google Penguin 3.7!

Lions and Tigers, Pandas & Penguins OH MY….Each and every day we receive phone calls from NEW clients asking about Google’s most recent algorithm update Penguin V3.7. Fortunately none of my clients were affected by this because we play by the rules! Its appears that more and more people are being affected by the most …

My website position on Google Dropped Again….Curse you Google Penguin 3.7! Read More »

YouTube SEO Tips That No One Talks About

We often forget that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. Being a site that hosts videos, we tend to miss the fact that a lot of people also use YouTube as a search engine to find what they want and need. These are the people who like to consume content in …

YouTube SEO Tips That No One Talks About Read More »

12 Challenges that Stop Marketers from Creating Epic Website Content

Epic content is all about stories that inform or entertain, that compel potential buyers to take action and truly makes a difference in the success or failure of your website.  It positions the company as a trusted leader.  It makes the buying process easier.  Simply put…the majority of the content you develop at all stages …

12 Challenges that Stop Marketers from Creating Epic Website Content Read More »

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